Horizontal Boring & Milling Machine BTD-130H.R22 Toshiba

BTD-130H.R22 is the latest model of the series. The milling machine performs high precision processes of internal surface of a hole, drilled by drilling machine, and processes into a predetermined size (boring) with higher precision. Drilling and milling are also performable.
Since the spindle is horizontally located, the object fixed on the table is moved together with the table, the spindle itself also processes while moving; dropping machining chips, and therefore the tool is not easily damaged.

Table working surface size (mm):
Travel (mm):
X-axis (Cross movement of table): 3,000
Y-axis (Vertical movement of spindle head): 2,300
Z-axis (Longitudinal movement of table): 1,600
W-axis travel (Spindle extension): 700
Distance from table centerline to spindle gage plane): 2,300