Interested in working with us?

Let's move forward together
into the next century!

Shusuke Yonekawa
Representative Director

Yoshida Inc. will be celebrating our 100th anniversary soon.
However, we believe that our next 100 years will change drastically and look different from the past 100 years. Our mission continues to make the impossible, possible by strategically moving our company forward based on innovation and creativity with new generation and updated business models for manufacturing, and eventually to make a difference and an impact in the world.

From now on, our company has more opportunities to create new value by precisely visualize issues using long experience and real data of worksites, and solve problems combining data and innovative technologies.

Yoshida Inc. is always looking for individuals motivated to work in a challenging environment and stay enthusiastic.


We are looking for new talents.
募集要項 <新卒採用>


具体的のどのような業務をするのか、200文字以内のテキストで説明。また、それに必要となるスキルについてもあれば記述。 具体的のどのような業務をするのか、200文字以内のテキストで説明。また、それに必要となるスキルについてもあれば記述。




  1. 営業
  2. 機械設計
  3. マシニングオペレーター
雇用形態 正社員
年齢 59歳以下
学歴 高卒以上
  1. パソコン基本操作(Excel、Word)
  2. 機械設計経験者(幅広い設計に対応出来る方)
  3. マシンオペレーターの実務経験(経験が浅くてもモノづくりが好きな方歓迎)
必要な免許・資格 普通自動車免許
採用人数 各職種若干名
給与 175,000円以上
諸手当 通勤手当、職能手当、扶養家族手当等
勤務時間 08:00~17:00
  • 年間休日125日
  • 夏期休暇、お盆、年末年始、GW、有給休暇、半日有給休暇、慶弔休暇、産休・育児休暇
保険 雇用保険、労災保険、健康保険、厚生年金保険、退職金共済(退職金制度あり)
福利厚生 退職金制度(勤続3年以上)、財形貯蓄制度、職場レクリエーション、クラブ活動

Job Description

Sales Representative

  1. Obtain orders from existing customers, prepare quotes and contracts, and provide the bridge between clients and Product Development department.
  2. Assign serial numbers to received orders and manage, generate invoices, and oversee accounts receivable.
  3. Identify and build relationships with potential customers (especially in the energy industry)

Mechanical and Electrical Design Engineer

  1. Design of nuclear energy-related equipments and general industrial equipments
  2. Design of machining process for small and large-scale machine tools
  3. Create specifications and quotes, communicate and negotiate with clients, etc.


  1. Weld components for nuclear energy-related equipment
  2. Produce general industrial equipment
  3. Process with small and large-scale machine tools

Machining Center Operator

  1. Set up machining and operate machining center (small and large-scale machine tools)
  2. Creation NC programs
  3. Measure processing accuracy
  4. Manage manufacturing, production equipment maintenance, and measurement equipment (all passed the quality standards)
Open Positions
  • Sales Representative
  • Mechanical and Electrical Design Engineer
  • Welder
  • Machining Center Operator
Job Contract Period Full-time employee
Educational Requirement High school diploma
Minimum Qualifications and Experiences
  • Driver's license
  • Demonstrate software application skills (Word, Excel and Powerpoint)
Preferred Qualifications and Experiences
Mechanical and Electrical Design Engineer
  • Experience with CAD and 3DCAD

  • Professional-level TIG welding and semi-automatic welding
  • Rigging skills
  • Operate floor-operated crane
  • Forklift operation

Machining Center Operator
  • Ability to setup machining process
  • Understand CAD drawings
  • Write programs
  • Rigging skills
  • Operate floor-operated crane
  • Forklift operation
Number of vacancies A few openings in each job sections
Salary A monthly salary will be determined according to our company code and evaluated based on the level of experience and knowledge.
Benefits Overtime allowance, Family allowance, Position allowance, Transport allowance, etc.
Working Hours 8:00 to 17:00
Average Overtime: 20 hours per month
Break Time: 60 minutes
Holiday work (depending on workload)
Holidays 125 days of annual holidays (Summer vacation, Obon week, New Year's holiday, Golden week)
Annual paid leave, Half-Day paid leave, Special paid leave, Maternity/Paternity leave, Child care leave, One-day birthday vacation
Insurance Employment Insurance, Worker's Accident Compensation Insurance, Health Insurance, Pensions, Retirement allowance mutual aid (retirement allowance system available)
Welfare Retirement allowance system (requires more than 3 years of employment), workplace recreation, club activities


Work with us and discover your next opportunity at Yoshida Co.,

If you would like to apply, please fill out the required form below and click the "submit" button. We will send you a reply e-mail automatically and we will contact you again by e-mail or telephone.

In addition, the content you send will be managed in accordance with our privacy policy and will not be disclosed or provided to third parties without your consent.

All fields with * must be filled in.

*Required (e.g., Sales)
*Required (e.g., Yoshida Kotaro)
*Required (e.g., Dr/Mr/Ms/Mrs/Miss/Sir/other )
*Required (e.g., 311-1114)
*Required (e.g., Japan)
*Required (e.g., Ibaraki Prefecture)
*Required (e.g. 2363 Shiozaki-cho, Mito City)
(e.g., +81-29-297-1005)
*Required (e.g.,